Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Complexity Premium WordPress Theme

Complexity Premium WordPress Theme - Business Corporate

This theme has been around Theme Forest awhile now, rocking all of the Top-Seller lists, and it’s only grown and become bigger and bigger with every update. Complexity is a simple business and portfolio theme that is easy to customize and will get you or your client’s website up and running in no time. It’s everything it’s name isn’t, which is simple. Make sure to checkout the Theme Overview video to get the skinny on how the theme works outside of what you may have seen in the live demo.

A Truly Flexible Homepage

Sure there are a ton of awesome layout setups you could come up with all the color and style choices, but what about the homepage layout, too? Complexity offers you a truly flexible homepage, but in the simplest way possible. Isn’t it awesome?

A Rock Solid WordPress Theme Framework

After more than a year of trial, error, and customer feedback on Theme Forest, this theme has been built on one of the most rock solid WordPress frameworks around. The ThemeBlvd WordPress Framework has reached the highest level ever thanks to the all of the support from the thousands of awesome ThemeBlvd theme buyers. Complexity embodies the latest features and technologies to provide the best WordPress 3 experience around.

Awesome Theme Support

ThemeBlvd Video Tutorials

  • Getting Stated

    • Installing a ThemeBlvd WordPress Theme

    • Installing a ThemeBlvd WordPress Theme (Classic Method)

    • Font Control Explained

    • Building Menus

  • Homepage Setup

    • Complexity Theme Overview

  • Digging In

    • Lightbox Integration

    • Creating Galleries

    • Creating Slideshows

    • Using the [slideshow] Shortcode

    • Creating Portfolios

  • Using Page Templates

    • Archives and Sitemap

    • Contact Page

    • Full Width Page

    • Page Redirect

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    • ThemeBlvd SEO Plugin Overview

  • Customization Tips

    • Using Bonus Content – Bonus content included same as Alyeska!

    • Using Child Themes

    • Hiding Theme Options Panels

    • Setting a Blog As Your Homepage

    • Filtering a Blog Page

    • Limiting Widget To Certain Pages

Features Overview

  • Theme Option Customization Highlights

    • 2 Styles – Light or dark?

    • 30 Skins

    • 60 Backgrounds (in addition to WP3 custom background support)

    • Show/hide search on main menu.

    • Flexible homepage layout choices.

    • Choose number of footer widget columns.

    • Display or hide titles of all subpages.

    • Show subpage sidebar on left or right side.

    • ... And many more useful options.

  • 8 Page Templates

    • Archives Page – (View Page)

    • Blog Roll – (View Page)

    • Contact Page – (View Page)

    • Full Width Page – (View Page)

    • Sidebar Left – (View Page)

    • Sidebar Right – (View Page)

    • Redirect – (View Page)

    • Sitemap – (View Page)

  • 11 Custom Widgets

    • ThemeBlvd Ads (125×125) Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Author Box Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Feedback Widget

    • ThemeBlvd MP3 Audio Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Info Box Widgetv

    • ThemeBlvd Recent News Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Recent Posts Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Simple Contact Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Tabs Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Twitter Widget

    • ThemeBlvd Video Widget (supports Vimeo, YouTube, and self-hosted mp4, flv, and f4v videos)

  • Flash Enhancement

    • MP3 Audio Player for self-hosted audio files.

    • Video Player for self-hosted video files.

  • jQuery Enhancement

    • Homepage slideshow with Cycle plugin

    • Dropdown Menu, improved with jQuery

    • Portfolio Page with animated thumbnails and lightbox

    • Working AJAX/PHP contact form with validation

  • WordPress 3+ Theme Support

    • Custom Menu support

    • Custom Background support

    • Post Thumbnail support

  • More ThemeBlvd Framework Goodies

    • Self-hosted audio/video, YouTube, and Vimeo support in portfolios, widgets, and shortcodes.

    • Many dynamic widget and widget areas.

    • Built-in ThemeBlvd SEO plugin. – (Watch Video)

    • Contact Form Builder. – (Watch Video)

    • Full Lightbox integration. – (Watch Video)

    • Font Control – (Watch Video)

    • Tons of shortcodes with tinyMCE visual integration. – (See Screenshot), (View All Shortcodes)

    • Unlimited Portfolios – (Watch Video)

    • Unlimited Slideshows – (Watch Video)

  • Tons of Bonus content included. – (Watch Video)

  • Localization-Ready (for translating to other languages)

  • Full layered PSD site layout.

  • Detailed documentation included in addition to video tutorials.

Server Requirements

In order to run this theme, your server must have PHP5 and you must have WordPress 3.x installed.

If you’re not running at least PHP5 on your web server, it’s a bit of a security risk, anyway. Any respectable web host should update you for free if you just ask. If you’re on some sort of dedicated server plan, they will sometimes charge you a small fee to update.


The logo of this theme uses the Aller font. You should download the whole family. It’s a cool font and it’s free!

Update Log

You can view complete change log for files here

v2.2.3 – February 25, 2013

  • Incorporated current Theme Blvd Twitter functionality.

  • Fixed search widget so it can display in homepage columns, sidebar, and footer columns.

  • Added WP dynamic classes to widgets in registered sidebars.

  • Improved [raw] shortcode and added option to disable it at Complexity > Theme Options > General Options.

v2.2.2 – December 14, 2011

  • Fixed custom background control for WordPress 3.3 update.

v2.2.1 – April 13, 2011

  • Added [raw] shortcode that can now be put around content to avoid WP automatic formatting. Ex: [raw]Some content here…[/raw]

  • Fixed div#primary-bottom in footer.php

  • Fixed three-fourth layout shortcode width for full width pages.

  • Fixed issue with having any WordPress element with a loop of posts after a slideshow (includes trying to put a [gallery] just after a [slideshow] on a page, for example).

  • Fixed some quirks with formatting of Portfolio/Portfolio Item title tags in built-in SEO plugin.

  • Fixed title tag compatibility with some other SEO plugins, when ThemeBlvd built-in seo is off.

  • Fixed CSS for light “skins” combined with dark “body style”.

  • Fixed toggle shortcode text color on dark style.

v2.2.0 – March 16, 2011

Complexity has grown once again to bring you a bunch of added, awesome features. This update brings you the the updated ThemeBlvd WP Theme Framework v1.1 and many of the features to match the popular Alyeska WordPress Theme. Make sure and watch the all-new Theme Overview Video to get the skinny how Complexity 2.2 works.

  • Separated Theme “Skin” into two separate options, Theme Color and Theme Background, which are now not dependent on each other. Mix and match it up!

  • Added dark style to overall content area, now choose light or dark.

  • Added dynamic option for insertion of copyright text in footer.

  • Complete homepage options overhaul, now with sortable elements.

  • Homepage slideshow now supports automatic wordpress filters on the content.

  • Fixed [slideshow] shortcode for WordPress 3.1.

  • Added [nivo] slider shortcode.

  • Added tinyMCE integration for shortcodes.

  • Added ThemeBlvd Info Widget.

  • Added option while editing pages to show/hide page title.

  • Added in fallback function for listing pages on main menu when no wp_nav_menu exists.

  • Fixed tabs widget bug when adding less than 4 tabs.

  • Fixed styling for Simple Contact widget being placed in sidebar.

  • Fixed Enable/Disable of SEO for posts/pages.

  • Improved look of blog post comments and backend comment coding.

  • Added child theme compatibility and included sample child theme.

  • Improved theme localization

  • Updated to ThemeBlvd WordPress Framework 1.1.

  • Complexity re-wrote documentation and included tons of video tutorials.

  • Added bonus content pages.

WARNING: This update will require you to re-configure some of your theme options related to theme skin and homepage options.

v2.1.2 – January 27, 2011

The coolest part about this update is that a bunch of new, awesome google fonts were added along with a new cool way to preview your font selections in your theme options panel.

  • Added many new fonts from the Google Font Directory and also added live font previewing on theme options page.

  • Added 5 more classic skins (for those of you that didn’t notice, I was marketing 50 skins when I accidentally only included 45).

  • Fixed some minor PHP warnings having to do with WordPress 3.1.

  • Theme now compatible with official Breadcrumb NavXT WordPress plugin.

  • Changed default skin to “Glossy Slate” so your site will be the same color as the demo on initial activation of the theme.

  • Excluded slides from appearing in search results.

  • Fixed video/audio flash embedding (for shortcodes and widgets) in IE8 .

  • Updated to prettyPhoto 3.0.1.

  • Made SEO titles compatible with WP attachment pages.

  • Added “Next/Pre” in gallery shortcode.

v2.1.1 – December 7, 2010

  • Fixed subpage [slideshow] shortcode navigation bug.

  • Theme is now compatible with official WP-PageNavi plugin. Now, you must install the most current version of the WP-PageNavi plugin separately, opposed to it being built-in to the theme. This will ensure compatibility with a wider range of servers, allowing for you to always stay up-to-date with the plugin itself.

  • Added WP-PageNavi info to documentation.

v2.1 – December 3, 2010

With a release as big as Complexity 2, you can only expect a bit of cleanup soon to follow. Your requests and bug reports have been heard! The changes are not only cleanup but also some cool new features with the help of a lot of your feedback. Highlights include the ability to skin and brand your audio and video flash players along with adding breadcrumbs. If I were you, I’d save yourself time and just update all the files! alt=)” title=”:-)” /> … but of course, I’m going to outline everything updated for you brave souls and link to a full list of added and effected files.

  • Homepage slideshow now accepts shortcodes in the content area.

  • Added sample slide HTML snippets to documentation.

  • Added Google Font Directory’s new fonts.

  • Fixed some general issues with how font selection works and how header fonts fall back to body font when no Google font is selected. Also threw in option for changing body font size.

  • Integrated new flash video player (for self-hosted videos) to match look of audio player (developed with the help of ICA !)

  • Cleaned up flash embedding markup for custom audio and video players for shortcodes and widgets. Now using swfobject.js.

  • Added ability to select custom skin color for custom audio and video players across all widgets, shortcodes, and portfolios.

  • Added options for branding portfolio video/audio player including optional logo watermark (Theme Options > Portfolios).

  • Added option to select where portfolio thumbnails link to (Theme Options > Portfolios).

  • Added breadcrumbs (along with option to turn on/off under Theme Options > General Options).

  • Cleaned up theme’s javascript (custom.js) along with deleting unnecessary files from js folder.

  • Fixed footer column selection on Theme Options page.

  • The theme itself is now 100% W3C valid markup (Note: The only validation errors you’ll see on the demo homepage are from embedding iframe from Vimeo.)

  • Fixed dynamic date formatting in blog and posts.

  • Fixed incorrect comment dates on posts being displayed.

  • Updated localization file (for translation).

v2.0 – November 22, 2010

This is the huge update. There’s been some design tweaks, 50 new skins, and a completely new framework and theme options panel. Learn More

WARNING: Complextiy 2.0 is a brand-new theme, and updating from v1.x will result in loss of your current theme settings, portfolios, and slideshows.

v1.4 – August 1, 2010

Fixed WP 3 background image control and updated documentation to have more information about adding portfolios.

v1.3 – July 8, 2010

Remaining problems with portfolios related to fixing the “potfolios” typos were fixed and updated demo SQL to accommodate these changes. *Sorry for all of the updates due to these really new untested features, but it was worth it to utilize the awesomeness of Wordpress 3’s custom post types.

v1.2 – July 7, 2010

Fixed invalid foreach bug with Portfolio/Slides custom post types. Fixed “potfolios” typo. Added cleaner SQL file for demo content. Edited documentation section for adding in your logo to the theme. Added in feature to adjust width when using [slideshow] shortcode.

v1.1 – July 5, 2010

Fixed minor PHP bugs with slideshow.php and portfolio.php.

Sources and Credits

I would like to thank the following providers. This theme wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and dedication of all of them.

  • jQuery

  • Cycle

  • jQuery validation

  • Superfish

  • prettyPhoto

  • Nivo Slider

Novatorix 10 in 1 - Business, Portfolio and Blog

Novatorix 10 in 1 - Business, Portfolio and Blog - Business Corporate

+ Bonus Novatorix HTML Version


  • Nov. 14, 2012 — version 2.0.1

    • Was included the XML file with demo content.

  • Nov. 03, 2012 — version 2.0 was released.

    • 1. Multilanguage support.

    • 2. New Accordion slider.

    • 3. Added homepage with slider as static page for front page.

    • 4. Added widget area in the default homepage section.

    • 5. 4 columns widget for footer.

    • 6. Added pictures from the Admin panel for slider.

  • Dec. 15, 2010 — version 1.4 was released.
    • Wordpress 3.0 Menu Support
    • New slider – Nivo slider

Novatorix is a Wordpress Theme, best suited for Business and Portfolio sites. It comes with a fantastic 3D Image slideshow that can be controlled from your backend with a custom tool. The Theme has a huge wordpress custom backend (7 different option pages) that make customization of the Theme easy for those who don’t know much about coding or wordpress.

Novatorix also has 10 Fantastic skins to choose from:

  • Arsenic

  • BurlyWood

  • Chocolate

  • DarkGreen

  • FireBrick

  • IvoryBlack

  • PurpleTaupe

  • SeaGreen

  • SteelBlue

  • Teal


  • WP 3 .0 Menu Support

  • Multiple CSS Styles

    • Select from 10 Custom CSS styles from Admin Area

  • 2 Sliders

    • Nivo Slider

    • The 3D image slider is editable without the use of flash. You can add and remove slides, change transitions with the help of a backend

  • jQuery Drop-down menu

  • Portfolio Gallery Templates

    • Create as many Portfolio Galleries as you like

    • Two layout options (full or gallery view)

    • Lightbox (prettyPhoto) Effect for Pop-up Images

  • Page Templates

    • Contact Template

    • Blog Template

    • Full Width (no Sidebar)

    • Sitemap

    • 404 Error and archives pages/li>

  • Custom Style Shortcodes

  • Custom admin panel with 7 different option settings: General options, Homepage, Portfolio, Footer, Get in touch and 3D Homepage slider

  • 5 custom widgets: Flickr, Header Search form, Popular Posts, Post Author Info, Related Posts

  • 15 Custom widget sidebars

  • Ajax Contact Form

  • Font Replacement (font-face)

  • Breadcrumbs Navigation

  • Multi Level menu

  • All PSD files (with all 10 colors)

    • Layered PSD are included for easy modification

  • Detailed documentation included

External scripts and resources used:

Ryuneo Designs

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials

Social Network Icon Pack

Piecemaker 3D slider

prettyPhoto jQuery lightbox

MgOpen Modata

Our Featured WordPress Theme

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Modern Realtor

Modern Realtor - Business Corporate

Modern Realtor wordpress theme is designed for real estate type websites. It may also be suitable for showcasing your work or products.

Theme Features

  • Basic search listing functionality

    • Search for location (via categories)

    • Number of bedrooms, bathrooms and garage

    • Search by listing type

      • New Home

      • Apartment for rent

      • Foreclosure

      • Home for sale

    • Search for price range

  • Powered by jQuery

    • Featured slider banner

    • Multilevel dropdown menu support

    • Main navigation with lava lamp effect

  • PSD files included

  • Backend options to customize the theme

    • Logo setup

    • Enable/disable search listing functionality

    • Specify a currency symbol field

    • Custom fields in a post

    • Google analytics integration

  • Automatic thumbnails resizing

  • Valid XHTM and CSS

  • Threaded comments

  • Tested in all major browsers including IE6 (png transparency fix included)

Technical Support

Feel free to send support requests to our support address, but please note due to time constraints caused by other projects, we aren’t able to respond to every support request. If you want to do a lot of customization and you’re not a developer, this may not be the theme for you.

Awake - Powerful Professional WordPress Theme

Awake - Powerful Professional WordPress Theme - Business Corporate




A New Breed of Wordpress Themes Has Arrived!

With Mysitemyway you’re getting more than just a theme, you’re getting a new way of approaching them.

With our innovative separation of design from content, we’ve put everything you could every wish to customize into one easy to navigate option panel.

Take a closer look at the admin panel

Some Key Features

  • Advanced Admin Panel

  • Over 100+ Custom Shortcodes

  • Shortcode Generator

  • Unlimited Portfolios in 7 Layouts

  • Wordpress Custom Post Types

  • Wordpress Page Templates

  • 30+ Skins

  • Powerful Built-in Skinning System

  • Contact Form Builder

  • Diverse Layout Options

  • 7 Custom Widgets

  • Layered PSDs

  • Free Trial

  • Multimedia Support

  • Built-in Optional Breadcrumb Navigation


  • Jquery Scrolling & Fading Sliders

  • 8 Slider Stageing Effects

  • Nivo Slider

  • Multiple Blog Layouts

  • Browser Compatibility

  • SEO Powered

  • Dedicated Support Team

  • Image Resizing

  • Skinning Community

  • Enhanced Performance

  • Completely Localized

  • Infinite 1-click Color Schemes

  • Wordpress 3.0 Menus

  • Built-in About Author Box

  • Built-in Popular Relate Posts Module


Dedicated Support Team

Your business is important to us and we want to make sure that you are satisfied with our products. Therefore all theme support is now handled on our searchable forum where you can get help to resolve any issues that you may have.

If you need help with something or just have a question then post a topic in the forum and a member of our
support team will be with you shortly.

Click to sign up for our support forum

Revolutionary Skinning System

Better than child themes, you can choose from hundreds of preset skins and build upon any in our collection to create something personalized, unique, and new.

Click the link below to browse through our growing collection of skins.

Browse the growing collection of Awake Skins

Extensive Documentation

We have documented every aspect of our framework from admin panels to custom post types.

We also have “Get the Code” sections on each page of our demos where you can easily copy the page.

If you are having problems understand something then post a topic on our support forum and we will be with you shortly.

Visit the online documentation

100+ Shortcodes & A Built-in Shortcode Generator

Shortcodes make it easy for anyone to create beautifully styled posts and pages without any coding knowledge.

Use them whenever you are adding content to your site to create the most professional looking site possible; everything from column layouts, drop caps, and button styles to pricing tables and image galleries.

Browse the growing collection of Awake Shortcodes

Learn More About the Shortcode Generator

Updates & Changelog

V3.1 – 1.14.2013   –  [view changelog]

V3.0 – 7.14.2012   –  [view changelog]

V2.9 – 3.01.2012   –  [view changelog]

V2.8 – 1.30.2012   –  [view changelog]

V2.7 – 1.26.2012   –  [view changelog]

V2.6 – 1.22.2012   –  [view changelog]

V2.5 – 1.5.2012  –  [view changelog]

V2.4 – 12.13.2011  –  [view changelog]

V2.3 – 8.3.2011  –  [view changelog]

V2.2 – 8.1.2011  –  [view changelog]

V2.1 – 7.20.2011  –  [view changelog]

V2.0 – 7.11.2011  –  [view changelog]

* Please note v2.0 is a major upgrade & not backwards compatible with settings from older versions.

V1.3 – 9.01.2010   –  [view changelog]

V1.2 – 8.02.2010   –  [view changelog]

V1.1 – 7.01.2010   –  [view changelog]

V1.0 – 6.30.2010   –  Initial Themeforest Release

Monday, June 3, 2013

Alpha clean Wordpress CMS theme white & dark skin

Alpha clean Wordpress CMS  theme white & dark skin - Business Corporate

Updated On June 24th 2012 (Version 2.0 )

  • Theme was redesigned from scratch to date trend in code and options aspects.

  • 4 sliders can be switchable easily from theme options.

  • Footer can be hide or show

  • There are lot of other features, download it and feel free to contact me if you need any help on this item.

Theme Description

Alpha WordPress theme is a clean, beautiful and easy customizable theme. It’s perfect for Corporate, Business, company portfolios, blogs and clean looking websites. This theme comes with massive and functional theme option page which gives you entire website under your control.

Theme Features

  • Easy to use Theme Options Panel

  • 4 swithcable sliders


    • Gallery Portrait Page Template

    • Gallery Landscape Page Template

    • Blog Page Template

    • Contact Page Template

  • Portfolio Shortcodes: You can display portfolio layout styles from 1column to 5 columns, either with sidebar or full width.

  • Custom page layout option: Now creating sidebar and full width pages are too easy, and can edit at any time.

  • Custom Portfolio and Slider Taxonomies

  • Short-code Generator

  • Video support in Portfolio pages.

  • Dynamic thumbnail resizing

  • 2 Column Fixed Layout

  • 8 custom widgets

  • Well commented code for all pages.

  • HTML document file

Unlimited Portfolios.

  • You can create unlimited Portfolio page in 7 layout styles like, 1 Column, 2 column, 3 Column, 4 Column.

  • Use short-code Generator to add Portfolio short-code

  • Sidebar can be hide or shown, its your choice, the thumbnail sizes reduced automatically when you choose sidebar.

Quick Gallery Page Template for Portrait and landscape

Select Portrait Gallery or Landscape Gallery template while creating page and attach images by clicking “Upload/Inset” icon on the editor. Gallery page take care everything and display all the attached images on the page, and the sizes can be controlled from Options settings “Theme Options > Gallery”.

Unlimited Sidebars and Its position from Page Options Panel

You can create unlimited sidebars for pages and posts, and can position left, or right at any time from “Page Layout Options” ( which is located at top right of the page ) setting panel while creating / updating pages or posts.

Custom Widgets

Right now we have included 9 Custom widgets.

  • Kayapati-Recent Post Widget: Displays the most latest post items with thumbnail, date and short content either on the sidebar or top Toggle box.

  • Kayapati-Popular Posts Widget: Displays Popular posts items on the sidebars either on the sidebar or top Toggle box.

  • Kayapati-Portfolio Gallery Widget: Displays latest images from Portfolio Categories either on the sidebar or top Toggle box.

  • Kayapati-Mini Contact Form Widget: Displays mini contact form either on the sidebar or top Toggle box.

  • Kayapati-Flickr Widget: Displays your flickr photo stream either on the sidebar or top Toggle box.

  • Kayapati-Twitter Widget: Displays latest comments from your twiter id either on the sidebar or top Toggle box.

  • Kayapati-Contact Info Widget: Displays quick contact info either on the sidebar or top Toggle box.

  • Kayapati-Testimonial Widget: Displays Post items from selected category, ex: Testimonial

Custom Google Fonts

As per me, adding plenty of Google fonts is not at all good, what will you do if new Google fonts added in to the Google library?
We have added an option to add any font which you like to add later when new fonts are available in the Google Library.

Translation Ready

This theme is Translation Ready – the theme was built to support translations in more than one language. Them comes with .po file theme to have localized.

Please find the Alpha.po file in languages folder

Contact Page

Ready to use Contact Page, choose the Contact
page template while creating the Contact page.

Add your email ID in “Theme Options > General Settings” to receive emails from your website.

Short codes

We provided few short codes, Its difficult to remember all the short codes so we provided Short-code Generator which prints the short codes easily on the editor.

Real Estate Gold

Real Estate Gold - Business Corporate

Real Estate Gold wordpress theme is designed for real estate type websites. It may also be suitable for showcasing your work or products. It comes with built in basic real estate listing filtering, featured slider banner and admin options to customize the theme.

Theme Features

  • Basic search listing functionality.

    • Search for location (categories).

    • Number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and garage.

    • Listing type (e.g. new home, foreclosure.. etc.).

    • Search for price range.

  • Readymade contact form no plugin needed, you just need to add this shortcode [contact-form]

    on any post entries or page that you will create, and you will have a contact form on that particular page or post.

  • Powered by jQuery.

    • Featured slider banner.

    • Multilevel dropdown menu support.

    • jQuery lightbox effects.

  • PSD files included.

  • Backend options to customize the theme.

    • Logo Setup.

    • Controlling the animation effects and speed of the featured slider banner

    • Specify a currency symbol field

  • Readymade custom fields in a post

    • Image preview field

    • Price field

    • Price suffix (e.g. /month /day )

    • Number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and garage

    • MLS Number

    • Listing type (e.g. new home, home for sale, apartment for rent, foreclosure)

  • Custom widgets.

    • Search listings widget.

    • Welcome sidebar box widget.

    • Recent blog posts widget.

    • Sidebar login box widget.

    • Home tabs widget.

    • Footer small info and contact info widget.

  • Google analytics integration

  • Automatic thumbnails resizing and banner image resizing using timthumb.php script

  • Valid xhtm and css

  • Threaded comments

  • Tested on all major browsers including IE6 (png transparency fix included)

Technical Support

Feel free to send support requests to our support address, but please note due to time constraints caused by other projects, we aren’t able to respond to every support request. If you want to do a lot of customization and you’re not a developer, this may not be the theme for you.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

VooSky Business & Portfolio- 8 in 1 WordpressTheme

VooSky Business & Portfolio- 8 in 1 WordpressTheme - Business Corporate

VooSky Version 2.0 Changes

  • WP 3 .0 Compatible

  • Support for Custom Post types

  • Portfolio Custom post type added (wp 3.0)

  • Support for wordpress 3 Menu system.

  • Fix bodyclass error for wp 2.7

  • New 8 Stripy background images added.

VooSky v2.0 Theme

VooSky comes with awesome featured post slider, Two home page layouts, 8 colors with Stripy backgrounds,
Custom post types, WP Menus, fully working contact form, Advance theme /post and page option panels,
portfolio page(multi page or single page) , Dropdown navigation with infinite dropdown levels and many other…


  • Easy to Customize.

  • 8 colors styles to choose with default color style.

  • Two home page Layouts.

  • Advance theme option panel.

  • Page setting panel.

  • Post setting panel.

  • JQuery improved, degrades gracefully when JavaScript is turned off.

  • Drop down menus enabled.

  • Three dynamic sidebars enabled.

    • Home page sidebar

    • Normal page sidebar and

    • Contact page sidebar

  • Ready for many useful plug-ins. (Recommended plug-ins list…)

  • Styled for all widgets comes with wordpress.

  • Advance portfolio gallery page.

    • Single page portfolio or

    • Multi page portfolio

  • Possible to having any post or page in the portfolio page with little efforts.

  • Featured Posts Slider in home page.

    • Possible to having any post or page in Featured Posts Slider.

    • More control over slides

    • Slider almost dynamic

  • Functional Ajax contact form

  • Designed for further reduce page load times.

  • Lightweight JavaScript files and CSS and optimized images.

  • Cufon font replacement technology for better Visibility (no effects on SEO ).

  • Free fonts used & included.

  • PSD source Files included & Fully editable

  • Tested with various different test data for possible occurrences.

  • Styled for deep threaded comments.

  • Gravatar ready

  • TimThumb image resizing ( Thanks to darrenhoyt )

  • RSS feeds ready.

  • Unique page template design.

  • extensive Documentation File included

  • Styled:

    • 404 page

    • Archive page

    • Archive Complete page

    • Author page

    • Blog page


I would like to say a little thank you for people.

  • John Resig and Company for JQuery

  • Darren Hoyt for TimThumb

  • Arro for Vegur font

  • Rafael Lima for CSS Browser Selector

  • Ivan Lazarevic for Coin Slider

  • Janis Skarnelis for FancyBox

  • Stefan Benicke jquery-foxiblob